How pure are you?

You Are 74% Pure
You're pretty pure, and you have no plans on changing that.
You do have a devilish side though... and it will probably get the better of you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A sudden Lift of Mood

I got to thank her. Some few good people do exist in this world you got to believe in that...

As my world is falling apart (only for dramatic efffect) I suddenly had a bright crazy idea why not ask her

Bright because it can be accomplished if only I have guts to answer

Crazy because we both do not know each other that too well

Given our situation to switch I might have said no ( self centered alert)

But thankfully she is different than I am

Few days ago I want to flare up and tell people that you are such a great friend (sarcastically of course)

now I dont anymore. They are driven by fear. It is fear of the unknown so afraid to trust

thankfully someone come in for a help. I never expected it and we are not really that ultra close but again thanks

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A real Friend You are

I cant contain it I must say this When you tell people you are guaranteeing something isnt it time they believe you?

Though it is something new

Though it has never been done

Though it may have "risks"

When all you ask is trust

I cant blame them although I am

I must do something about it they were out of this

This is my own problem that I must deal with it on my terms

It is my problem after all

Though I have told them not to worry they couldnt take my word for it

This is the real life each has a wrong notion of things whats wrong for me might be right for them

Thats the deal live with it

And if ever you drop out of this maybe it wasnt meant to be

or other avenues are still available its not the end of it all

So deal with it

How thankful you are

You Are 84% Thankful

You're an incredibly thankful person, and everyone around you feels very appreciated.

You inspire people to be more optimistic, forgiving, and grateful.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Am I happy

I am, I really am, I truly am

Hopefully better tomorrow

I am so blessed with my family friends and loved ones

They keep me going… even though sometimes I am about to give up

And try to be something else but no, they keep me grounded and alive

To see a better perspective in my life I must admit I do want to quit sometimes and forget all about it

But somehow an inner force keeps me from doing what I am committed to do

I am committed otherwise; I won’t keep going… I will just be in despair

But no, I refuse to give in to the unpleasant site… I must get by and be whole again

Because someone I know believes in me No matter where I am

That someone will always keep me from doing what I am suppose to be doing

Loving life and enjoying every minute of it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dawned on Me

met someone at a coffee shop

She is friendly though I must admit I dont meet people that I regularly talk online

But what the heck I am just a few blocks away from her office so I did.

Not knowing what will happen

I may be in her territory but hey I am still im familiar with the area

Anyway, I waited for her there and then thats it non stop talking

As if we really do know each other too well So she talked and I listen vice versa

A sudden realization came over me this girl knows her craft way too well than I am

An expert in the making gosh but hey I am also getting there

She knows it well she is on her way to success

We almost start at the same time but somehow she is not just one step ahead of me

Probably a thousand steps. And what am I supposed to do?

Simple... start my own craft and deal with it no matter how delayed I was

from my fellow attendees

Now, I sure know what to do and that is minimize the things that I am doing

my own personal battle are also taking a back seat I must admit so I must

take extra precaution am I doing it all but going nowhere?

Am I forgeting that these are just "part time" and I am still a reviewee

so the point is clear what is your niche? in short what are your priorities

determine that and then move forward into accomplishing it

Remember that you have to prepare for the bigger picture