How pure are you?

You Are 74% Pure
You're pretty pure, and you have no plans on changing that.
You do have a devilish side though... and it will probably get the better of you.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A real Friend You are

I cant contain it I must say this When you tell people you are guaranteeing something isnt it time they believe you?

Though it is something new

Though it has never been done

Though it may have "risks"

When all you ask is trust

I cant blame them although I am

I must do something about it they were out of this

This is my own problem that I must deal with it on my terms

It is my problem after all

Though I have told them not to worry they couldnt take my word for it

This is the real life each has a wrong notion of things whats wrong for me might be right for them

Thats the deal live with it

And if ever you drop out of this maybe it wasnt meant to be

or other avenues are still available its not the end of it all

So deal with it

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